Our branch president is a total superman. He is working like crazy trying to raise church attendance. He interviewed three young men and set goals for them to go and serve a mission. There has been a lot of changes here in the branch but it looks like everything is falling right into place.
We had a cool experience when we talked with a man that was Islamic. We asked him a lot of questions and learned a lot about him. After listening to him I learned that we are a lot more similar than we think. The base is that god loves us and we pray to him for help and guidance.
A priesthood holder came in. He knelt down, blessed some bread, and handed her a piece. She ate it. He knelt down again and blessed some water and handed her a small cup. She drank it. Thereafter, Diane had two thoughts in rapid succession: First, “Oh, he [the priesthood holder] did this just for me.” And then, “Oh, He [the Savior] did this just for me.” Dale Renlund
I love you guys have a great week!
Wonderful entry! Way to go Max.