Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A beautiful painting

We had a week long battle with the heat here. I guess I can't complain too much because I know there are missionaries in places that are a lot hotter, but this week was pretty rough. Despite the heat, we were still able to have a really good week.

Yesterday I went with the missionaries from my group to do some stuff for our visa. But my process was a little different. I guess some of my papers had gotten lost and I had been here illegally for a few days. Good news is I got everything figured out and I'm legal again!

Our ward mission leader is a total stud. He finished his mission two years ago and is really focused and determined to help us. He's helping us out a bunch with the members and with coming to visits with us. We have a lot of good goals together.

We're teaching a haitian named Youri. He lives with a chilean family and is learning spanish. He has a book in french and is constantly reading it. He has been to church a lot and really likes it. The only thing is that it's a little complicated trying to teach him because he doesn't understand very well. The last time we taught him we were using google translate and it actually ended up working pretty well.

Fabiola didn't want to go to church with us because she said that her little kid behaves too bad and she feels embarrassed. We were trying everything telling her not too worry that he's just a little kid and that everyone is used to little kids running around. She finally said yes, but when we went to pick her up for church she told us again that it wasn't worth it. 

Other than that things are pretty normal here. The other day I was reading what I had written in my journal. Almost everyday honestly not very many groundbreaking things seem out of the ordinary, but over time all of the small moments work together and build on each other and make such a beautiful painting.

Romans 13
 10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Saved by the fire hose

I'm bummed out I wasn't able to see Emma's farewell! but it sounds like she did a great job which doesn't surprise me at all. This week was a pretty average, but we ended it really well!

One of our investigators two sundays ago totally surprised us by saying he wanted to get baptized. He has been investigating the church for 14 years and we thought he was joking. But he wasn't, he was totally serious. He had gotten married that week and said that that was the ONLY thing that was holding him back from getting baptized. He told us that he wanted to get baptized before church. We set everything up for him to get baptized at 8:00.

The problem was that we had a big miscommunication with filling up the baptismal font. We got there thirty minutes early and there was no water. It usually takes three hours to fill up. So we started filling it up. We found two buckets and were filling one up and sending the other to the font so that it would fill up faster. But it was going so slow, and Cèsar was getting super impatient about it. 

We said a prayer because honestly we had no idea what to do. When we finished the prayer we walked over to the font. As we were walking somebody noticed that there was a fire hose in the church. I have no idea how we didn't realize there was a huge red fire hose. Anyways the font filled up like in five minutes with the hose. The best part was right after getting baptized Cèsar shouted "I'm finally pure!" It was pretty funny but also very touching. A good witness that the family draws the very best out of us.

 My comp is a super cool dude. He is practicing his english a ton and speaks super well. Things are going great here.

Have a great week!
James E Faust
As we pray we should think of our Father in Heaven as possessing all knowledge, understanding, love, and compassion.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Unseen work

This week we had transfers. We found out that Elder Navarro was going to leave on Saturday. Sunday we went around and said bye to everybody. It was cool to see how close people got to him. He is a great missionary and a great friend.

One of our investigators Fabiola went to church for the first time on Sunday. We had a really good lesson with her. It didn't start off very well. She is a little hard to read and it's hard to know what she needs. While we were teaching the question came out right before falling asleep at night, what do you think about? I'm not sure why but the question brought out everything. She explained to us about her work and her family. She seemed really relieved getting everything out. She was carrying alot of stress and worries and doesn't have alot of people to talk to. There was a really sweet feeling in her house that night. This is really the unseen work of my mission that is so rewarding. 

She came to church with us on Sunday with her little boy. I've seen a lot of kids act roudy during the sacrament, but I have never seen a little kid as crazy as him. He was jumping off of the stairs onto his soccer ball and completely eating it, and laughing as loud as he could each time he did it. It was actually really funny. The ward was super nice to her and made sure she felt comfortable.

My new comp is Elder Mostacero from Lima Peru. He is super awesome and were going to have a great change.

Love you guys have a great week!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Because I love you guys

Yesterday I gave a talk in church. Saturday morning they asked me if I could give a talk. I didn't have that much time to prepare but it ended up not being too bad. I wrote my talk but didn't take it up with me because I wanted not to worry too much about the words and just say what I really felt. I kind of had a brain freeze a couple of times stalling not really knowing what to say, but I was happy with it.

This was a really good week in terms of teaching. I don't think I have had a week like this week. We got into almost every house that we knocked. We studied a lot together, practicing teaching the first time we meet somebody. So it was awesome to actually put it into practice. We met this guy named hèctor. When we knocked on his door he told us that he had been waiting for missionaries and wanted to get baptized. His intentiones are awesome but he has some issues with word of wisdom. He has two adorable little daughters so we'll see how it goes with him. Pray for Hector.

On friday we got a call and the first thing she said to us was that she had something urgent to tell us. She told us that her daughter decided to seperate from her husband and that she had been crying all night and needed help. We went over to her house not really sure what to say or what to do. On our way walking to her house my comp said to me it might be a good idea just to listen, and after sing hymns with her. I never would have thought of that because I have a terrible voice and my comp believe it or not might have a worse voice.  Inflicting that kind of torture on someone doesnt feel natural. But that is exactly what we did. We got there, she spilled a lot of stuff to us, and after we sang her favorite hymns. It was such a special lesson, something I'll never forget.

We've been passing by almost everybody in our area book. I think the main reason I heard this week of why they quit listening to the missionaries was because the missionaries were too worried about doing what they wanted, and not listening or caring about them. It made me think of this quote I heard that is something like He that serves unselfishly has very little competition. 

One last little story that has to go along with that. We had a problem with our toilet (again! seriously! its a curse)  so the office sent someone to come and fix it. The man that came and fixed it was an older man. He noticed that our bathroom wasn't super clean so he asked for cleaning stuff to clean the bathroom and we gave it to him. We were kind of worried and embarrassed he was going to chew us out or tell us he was going to tell our president about it. He came out and he said I cleaned your bathroom! Do you know why?  And we were like uhhhhhh no. And he said BECAUSE I LOVE YOU GUYS, with a huge smile. It was a cool experience.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf        Since the beginning of time, love has been the source of both the highest bliss and the heaviest burdens. At the heart of misery from the days of Adam until today, you will find the love of wrong things. And at the heart of joy, you will find the love of good things.
And the greatest of all good things is God.