Monday, July 27, 2015


Elder Bof  and I had a really good week. We are already starting to teach well together and we are both working really hard and loving it. It was good weather here in Santiago and things are looking up with the work here in Simón bolívar.  There is no better feeling than coming home at night completely exhausted because you did everything you humanly could.  

The highlight of this week was finding and teaching the family of Cristina and Juan. We found out that her husband had been in the hospital because of heart problems and that their family was struggling. We had a good meeting and set up an appointment to go back. Kristina her four kids, and including Juan were all in their house. Juan told us that in the hospital he had been reading the book of mormon and was researching about the history of the church. He told us after a private surprising spiritual experience alone in his hospital room he already believed it was all true. Afterwards we shared a lesson about the restoration, and the spirit was SO strong. In fact I don't think I've ever felt the spirit that strong but when I think more about it an entire family was on the line,  and the love and generosity of God to pour out his love and acknowledgement to them was really palpable.   Everyone accepted a baptismal date.  It felt like a miracle family.   We have been praying like crazy for this family because they are honestly so good!  

Philippians 4:6–7. “Let your requests be made known unto God. “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep 
your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”  

I hope everyone has a great week this week! Don't be afraid to do hard things.   Hard things are the key to joy.   And remember people are what's most important.   People's minds and hearts are what matter most to God,  and he expects us to treat everyone with love and dignity and compassion.   I think compassion is the reason we wake up and function every day.   So we can minister to someone else.   I love you guys! 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Higher Dimensions

I'm glad to hear that dad has been safe and only has a little bit left in India. That'll be awesome for all of you guys to be together again this week. Dad you are lucky to have a family who loves you so much waiting for you at home.   A little bird told me they are planning a big celebration for you.   Not like you've been on a two year mission or anything!
So my new companion is Elder Bof from Argentina. He has an awesome argentine accent. He played basketball in Argentina and personally knows Manu Ginoboli. He is really excited to work and we are going to work really hard together!  I told him I have plans to work us ragged and he said great and I knew this is a good match! 

On monday I was with Elder Frossard. While we were walking in the street this man named Juan stopped us and began talking to us. He said that he was a member but less active. His baby was born last week and he said when he saw his baby he felt the spirit really strong and wanted to come back to church. He's married and his wife is catholic. That is really common here,  to be married to someone of a different faith.   We visited him late Saturday night and he went to church the next day. He is so cool, he is only a little bit older than us, he's 22 but feels like a peer in a lot of ways.   I love the power the gospel provides to make warm  friendships quickly,  to the point you feel you  have known people a lot longer than you actually have. 

We went and visited an old investigator. Her name is Cristina and is about 45 years old. Her son was there when we visited her. Her son is 22 and we found out that we was baptized a few years ago. He helped us out a ton in the lesson and Cristina has a date to get baptized.  THIS WAS SUCH AMAZING NEWS AND HAS HAD MY HEART  SOARING THIS WEEK.   PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS HERMANA FAMILY THAT ALL WILL GO THROUGH.   Her husband is in the hospital because he had a stroke. She carries a heavy burden because of this.   He wanted to get baptized but couldn't quit smoking. When he found out that we were visiting his wife again he asked us to read a scripture with his family in 3 Nephi 27, about the gospel and especially baptism.  There was a sweet feeling in the room and I am becoming really aware of the tone in the room when we talk about families and love and being together forever.   There is nothing in the world like it.   Because it's not of the world,  it's on a higher dimension.  It was a really good experience. Basically, we had a good week this week, and plan on having a better week this week. Have a great week this week!  If you chance to meet a frown do not let it stay,  quickly (and quickly is the secret)  turn it upside down and positive think the sadness away!   Love,
your favorite positive missionary

Monday, July 13, 2015


Today is a cold day in Santiago. This winter has been super dry, almost no rain. But yesterday it rained all day long. It's actually a blessing, Chile really needed the rain. We got a phone call on Friday telling us that Elder Pope would be leaving. We spent a good part of the weekend saying bye to everybody. The ward really loved him. He was such a good comp, I'm really going to miss him! All of our funny experiences and good talks,  especially that magical night about the fighting bed. 
Our investigator Camila is doing really good. She is reading in 2 nephi in the book of mormon and we always have touching lessons with her. The only thing is that she is really busy on the weekends, so it's hard for her to go to church. Her little baby Vicente, is awesome. We have been visiting her for quite some time now and Vicente has grown up a lot. It's pretty sad because he is not as chubby as he used to be. Sadly he's faithfully doing his baby exercises so he moving out of the too fat section on the baby chart.   This weighs heavy on me because he's so darn adorable with all the chub. 
Tomorrow I'll get my comp so for Today I'm with Taylor Frossard. The two springville high kids chilling for a day! I'm really excited for this next change, it should be really good. Our ward usually had 8 missionaries but they changed it to 6, so we'll see if limits get changed. I'm really excited to start training someone new and really get to work!
Alma 7  
 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will takeupon him 
their infirmities, that his bowels may be filledwith mercy, according to 
the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their 
Have a great week!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Party Planner

I'm glad to hear that everybody is ok and doing well! Me and Elder Pope had a good week. We are now on the last week of the change. On Thursday I hit my one year mark! Time is moving so fast!

We had to enter early in the house on Monday and hardly got to work on Saturday because of the copa de america. Chile won! Everybody was screaming and honking their horns. It was the first time in the history that Chile had won it all. Everybody was celebrating all night. Literally all night there was honking and screaming. A few people in church added the game as a part of their testimony the next day.

On Tuesday we had interviews with President Videla. Our zone is pretty big so it took awhile to get through everybody, but it was good to talk to him. We only have interviews one time every two changes (3 months) so it was something I was looking forward to. 

Josè, one of our investigators is doing really good. His wife just had their little baby daughter. We were going to go see her but we didn't have enough time. But he is really cool and is really interested. 

On Friday Elder Pope and I were in charge of a family night in the church. We set up a good scavenger hunt and people were getting really into it. Running from clue to clue and searching everywhere to find the paper telling them where to go next.  I need to major in party planning when I get back. 

1 corinthians 15

 10 But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me. 

Have a great week!