Monday, October 26, 2015

Burdens pass away

Elder Patterson and I had another good week here. We were able to try out some new ideas that went really well for us. Each week we teach a little more and we are learning a little more each week. It's cool to see the sector growing and progressing. So the big news of this week is Elizabeth. She came to church last week for the first time with her cousin. She asked a bunch of questions and was really interested. A couple days later we met with her and talked with her in her house. It was a great lesson. As we were getting ready to teach and introducing the subject, she interrupted us. She said she already knew that the church was true. Awhile back while she was with a doctor, the doctor gave her a book of mormon and told her to open it and she would find what she was looking for. She followed his advice and found exactly what she needed. She accepted a baptismal date. She is SO awesome. She is like our mom and is always trying to spoil us :) We went to church yesterday with Magdalena. She really enjoyed the church. She stayed the whole time and by the end of church she was talking to everybody. It was like she had known everybody for a long time. We had a lesson with her after church. The lesson was fantastic and Magdalena started crying when the member gave his testimony. She has problems with divorce and she needs to get married but things are looking really good. So we heard a really cool story from one of the families that we visit this week. The story is that the grandma was taking care of her granddaughter. the grand daughter got sick and the grandma didn't know what to do or how to help her. She said a prayer and realized that she also started getting sick. She went to the doctor the next day and got medicine. She took the medicine and gave some to the grand daughter also, they both got better because they had the same disease. The only difference was that the grand daughter was unable to get help. We were actually able to relate it to the atonement pretty well. Dallin H. Oaks One day all of these mortal burdens will pass away and there will be no more pain (see Revelation 21:4). I pray that we will all understand the hope and strength of our Savior’s Atonement: the assurance of immortality, the opportunity for eternal life, and the sustaining strength we can receive if only we will ask

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