Yesterday we all had interviews with the President. It went really well. I feel like I got to know him a lot better. Juan is getting baptized next Sunday so we are really excited about that. It has been several days since he smoked last. Everyone is keeping their fingers crossed he can stick to it! GO JUAN! The work is busy and wonderful and I can't believe how much I am loving it.
We finally got our water turned back on after a week. I ate off this knife for a while because there were no clean spoons. Remember how I used to drink out of mom's flower vase when there were no clean cups? Very similar and made me feel at home.

I wanted to make this email mostly to Luke and Paul. I hope that's OK. I want you two little guys to know how much I love you. You're going to be the very best missionaries some day. Junior high is such a different change than elementary, and it's confusing. It's hard trying to figure it all out. Luke just know third grade is like walking on cotton candy for a year. It's that great. Jesus spent his whole life telling people that he is the way. He that comes to Jesus will never hunger (dudes I'm always hungry) , he will never thirst. As humans we have needs, I think the most important are to love and feel loved. My advice for you is to tell Heavenly Father how much you love him every night before you go to bed. Read the scriptures and try to know him better. Try seeing things from other peoples view. Love other people even if it's hard. Give people sincere compliments and try your best to do nice things for them. And they will truly love you for who you are. That is who you truly are. God will fill you up from your head to your toe with his love. You'll realize you truly do need him to have true happiness. Mom always tells me that I'm enough. It's hard to believe but when I think like that, I feel so good. Sometimes we put question marks after periods. Try not to complicate things, you're enough...... PERIOD:) Today we went bowling and they were playing a bunch of cool songs I've never heard before. Have an absolute blast this year in School and we'll have amazing times when I get home this summer.
I miss you family but work keeps me busy and happy and I have things to do. In fact I have a lot of things to do and I'm not slowing down until the last second of my mission. My heart is full of gratitude to be here in Chile. I love these people. And I love Jesus Christ more than I ever had any idea. He is a brother born for us and has found me and taken me under his wing on the streets of Santiago Chile. Love you guys. Stay positive. Everything always works out in the end.
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