On Sunday we went on splits
with the other missionaries to help get their investigators to church. We
were running late and I felt frustrated because I didn't want to be late
for the Sacrament. So we get there and we sit in the back. I felt
flustered and was in a bad mood but I saw one of our investigators
sitting in the very back by himself. I went and sat by him. He told me
he was really worried that he was going to have to sit by himself at church. If
we would've been on time and sat more towards the front, I would never
have seen him.
Yesterday there was an
earthquake. I love the earthquakes haha. But we were in this womans
house and she started screaming and panicking. The earthquake wasn't
that big but her screaming actually made it kind of scary. They always
tell us we need to relax and not panick in an earth quake and now I know
I love the ward and the people here. They are so cool to the missionaries. Always so willing to help us out.
Saturday and Wednesday we have classes of English and piano in the
chapel. We put up fliers and advertisements in stores and more and more
people show up. Its getting exciting that we are starting to draw a crowd. I like teaching English. It actually helps me with my Spanish.
I hope everybody has a great week. Try
not to freeze! It's warm here but honestly ever since September the
whether has been just about perfect.
Elder Terry
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