Most beautiful skies you have ever seen are in Chile.
Met up with some of my old friends
Super cool views as we walk
I knew before I came the kids would be my favorites, and I was right! These guys are so cool.
A golden Family. I really am falling in love with these people.

What a fun week for you guys! Paul and Emma going to school dances,
dope! Luke I'm so happy for you it's not even funny. The mission
sometimes is hard because I miss my little brothers and sister so much, but it
makes it easier when I hear how happy you are. Please be happy for me. Thats all I want.
My first week with a Latino comp. It was awesome. We talk pretty much
all day even if we have to make it simple. This transfer will really
help my Spanish. He wants to learn English so we also speak a llittle
bit of english. My comp is from Buenos Aires and
said Marie is in the most ghetto part of all of Argentina! That is so
We found the coolest investigator this week, mainly because of his name.
Maximiliano (insert applause here). He was super cool to us. He is about fifty and is an
artist/painter. He honestly has some paintings that are amazing. We
taught him the restoration and at the end extended
a baptism commitment. He got all mad at us and started asking a bunch of
questions. Honestly, I REALLY like when investigators get mad to a
point and ask a bunch of questions. It shows that they are thinking and
want to know why. Honest whys lead to honest answers.
Julio and Karen are our golden investigators waiting to get baptized but
can't, because of divorce issues. For the first time Karen opened up to
us and said that it is really hard because her brother died and she
wonders how he is, and feels so sad without
him. I read a talk from Elder Shayne M Bowen called Because I live, ye
shall live also. ( First of all Elder Bowen is amazing because he served
in Chile :) but he said that of his babies died when he was only 8
months old. It's the hardest thing that could ever
happen.I cant imagine living through that. He wondered if literally his heart was going to break. Without
all of his family being together, in this life, he cannot be truly
happy. But he feels peace and comfort because thanks to our Savior, we
will live again and if we are faithful God promises
us we will live with our families together forever with himself and
Jesus Christ. I'm so thankful for this knowledge.
I hope everybody has a wonderful week. Thank you for your emails, they are such a boost :)
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